Saturday, March 28, 2015

What is 10X?

10X is a concept (means 10 times) I first heard from a +Tim Ferriss  podcast with +Peter Diamandis . Peter is the guy who came up with the X prize which would pay $10MM to first privately financed team that could build and fly a three-passenger vehicle 100 kilometers into space twice within two weeks.

In searching for this 10X I came across the book The 10X Rule by +Grant Cardone .  The book is excellent and basically says think 10 times bigger for goals and do 10 times the work to reach the goal which he calls "Massive Action."

This blog is a record of me hopefully executing this 10X concept.

I'm currently reading the book, from the library. Had this been a book I purchased I would have highlighted a lot of the information.

This book is highly recommended by me.

The only issue I have with the book is that the idea is simple like to make money in stocks "Buy low and sell high."  The possible problem with this simple rule is that it's extremely difficult to execute.